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Mar 3 2007 / Aaron

CRON-o-Meter v0.8 Released!

And it’s away! CoM 0.8 is out the door for your dietary tracking enjoyment.

  • Food database upgraded to USDA sr19
  • Added nutrient data for Choline, Caffeine, and Fluoride.
  • Search results can be sorted by rank or alphabetically by clicking column headers
  • Updated CRDB
  • Remembers last window size and position
  • System Tray icon for handy access (Requires Java 6 to be installed)
  • Added daily note pad for keeping free-form notes for each day
  • New Help Browser and help content
  • Fixed typo: Cholesterol was incorrectly labeled in grams instead of milligrams.

USDA sr19
The USDA food database has been upgraded to the most recent release.
In addition to adding and updating many foods with more recent data,
CRON-o-Meter now adds data for Choline, Caffeine, and Fluoride. Note
that data for Choline and Fluoride may be under-represented in the data.
Some foods that existed in sr18 have been deleted in sr19. We’ve kept
these foods for backwards compatibility, but they will show up in the
program greyed-out with accompanying warnings.

Updated CRDB
The special CRDB (CR Community Food Database) has been updated with new data
for Brewer’s Yeast Lewis Labs. The USDA’s entry for Almond Butter, Unsalted
is missing data for Vitamin E. A corrected entry was added to the CRDB. We’ve added
several new foods submitted by Michael Rae and Aaron Davidson. As always, we
welcome quality submissions from our user community for inclusion in the next

Nutrient Editors
In the food editor, there is now a distinction made between a nutrient having a
known amount of 0 and missing data. Nutrients with no data are shown in grey.


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  1. Bill / Mar 12 2007

    I downloaded CRON-o-Meter v0.8 and intalled it but it won’t run. When I try to run it, I just get an error screen (no number, no message). I’m fairly computer savy, but i can’t figure out what the problem might be. My system is windows XP with plenty of resources, and Java is installed. Any ideas? – Bill

  2. Bill / Mar 18 2007

    I reinstalled Java and now the CRON-o-Meter v0.8 is working perfectly. :>) – Bill

  3. Sceutre / Mar 26 2007

    By the way, in your features section it lists the old database (sr18).

  4. Katahdin / Dec 15 2007

    Hi – Just installed cron-o-meter 9.3 with win 2000 pro but when I attempt to run I get the error msg: telling me to define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME to point to JRE or JDK location.

    Thanks for your help —

  5. Katahdin / Dec 29 2007

    Hi – I finally went on – checked my version, it was was out of date – updated Java – and Cron-o-meter came right up !! Thanks – spent too much time playing around with it – but I do like the touch and feel of it – very nice. But I do know for myself, If i’m to stay with a nutritional log, that I need to have it sync with data entry on a palm pda. In my search for s/w I didnt find any that had PC/Palm connection. Recall there was one that had the s/w on both platforms, but they didn’t sync. Thank you for your efforts.

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