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Mar 4 2006 / Aaron

The Song That Never Was

Around 1998 and 1999 I made a big pile of amateur experimental electronic music. Typical to my INTP personality type, I was obsessed for a brief while as it consumed my free time as a primary hobby. Also typical to my personality, I dropped it like a hot potato at some point when some other hobby captured my attention. I have always been busy with creative hobbies or work, and while the subject changes, the energy I pour into things has never waned.

Recently I was farting around with GarageBand, which comes with any new Macintosh. It’s an amateur digital music studio. I tried importing some of my old midi projects to play with it. I found one project that I never did complete — it was dropped on the cusp of hobby transitions. I worked a lot on this track, but never got it to a state I was satisfied with. My original intention was to put the Robert Service poem The Cremation of Sam McGee to music. I liked the tune and tried laying down the vocal track many times. Some parts worked well, but I just couldn’t get it right (that poem has a lot of words to cram into a little song), and also I can’t sing worth shit so I scrapped it all. I remember struggling with this song a lot. I just never could figure out how to bring it together. If not vocals….maybe something else?

Well I spent about 30 minutes messing with it in GarageBand and then exported it sans vocals or any form of polished mix-down. I guess it’s better to have it released than just collecting binary dust on my hard drive.


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  1. bilge / Mar 5 2006

    I just downloaded it and am putting into my playlist. It’s got that good old fashioned Artichikin goodness … low cal and lots energy. My neck goes out just imagining the gyrations I could do if I cut loose.


  2. Arizona / Mar 5 2006

    I played the song twice and thought it was very good, if I had an IPOD, I would download it. But please don’t give up your day job, a lot of Poker Academy addicts might blame me for your career change and force me to go hiding…

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