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Jan 29 2006 / Aaron


Today we decided to try painting our livingroom (our first paint job attempt of the new house). I’m a painting newb, so it was an experience. It was easier than I expected. We first went to the store and got two different shades… one is a greyish blue, the other a greying green. We couldn’t decide so we painted some sections of the room both colors to test, and finally settled on the green. Then we went back and loaded up on more paint and gear. We’re about half done the room and it looks very nice (and very different!). Painting the room makes the house feel more ‘ours’. Kind of like the way I felt the time I took the first big dump in the house and had to find a plunger, only different.

Also, I posted CRON-o-Meter v0.1.8. This version fixes some bugs, improves the UI a little and adds HTML or ASCII reporting.

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