Working On Mental Pollution

In preparation for working on the thinking patterns and faulty beliefs that create your emotional misery, remember the principle of creative laziness. Take some time to consider the following points. Together, they describe a strong beginning position. Come back to them regularly. Find your own words to state them to yourself. Above all, seek your own understanding. Look for real evidence.

As you have been reading this manual, you have likely had some moments of hope and of positive regard for yourself. Take note that this could only have happened if your thinking had actively shaped your emotional energies at that very moment of time. See. It works just like that. Instant karma. Now that's evidence! So consider the following recommended position statements:

1. If I am upset, it's my own habituated thinking that is doing it, and I am the only person who can do something about my thinking habits, no matter how these habits may have started.

2. If I am all bunged up emotionally, then I am likely saying things to myself that are not completely accurate or that are based upon faulty beliefs about myself, others and life in general. I am jumping to conclusions and ratings of human worth out of sheer habit.

3. It will be better when I (not, I should) consider another point of view about what is going on. It is very possible that I have made some thinking errors and hold some whacky, faulty beliefs.

4. It will be better when I (not, I should) debate, dispute and challenge my thoughts and beliefs, so that my own understanding grows to fit reality a little bit better, rather than fitting my habituated ideas.

5. So what if I have some mental pollution. Who doesn't? It's just habit thinking. I can deal with it, step-by-step and day-by-day.

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