England, August 2000

Touring England w/ Alex Kasprzyk, Our mighty guide

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Alex & Darse at the trainstation

Buildings in Oxford (foreground is the Library).

Hey idiot! Keep off the grass!. Inside a college at Oxford (brasenose?)

The Brasenose College Dining Hall

Alex & I looking just a little bit inebriated, as a result of, well, doing what people in the U.K. seem to do.

After drinking a lot in Oldham, we stumbled out in the fog and got lost in the moors. Here I took a flash-photo (before the flash I couldn't even see my own feet the fog was so thick). Darse is howling because he is a werewolf. At least he kept howling and biting me, so I think he was...

The Shambles in York.

Me on the Roman wall of York.

Darse & Alex on the wall.


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